The study has the goal to explore the motivational foundations of self-views. You will be asked to indicate your agreement with self-descriptive statements that refer
Michael Riketta and Jochen Gebauer
University of TĂĽbingen and Cardiff University
November 8th 2004 - January 8th 2005
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The purpose of this study is to see whether people with particular types of personality have particular types of interest patterns, and whether the viewers
V. Egan and G. Hagger-Johnson
Glasgow Caledonian University and the University of Edinburgh
October 30th 2004 - December 30th 2004
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A secure and encrypted health and personality questionnaire study. A free feedback report is provided on the personality section.
Gareth Hagger-Johnson and Martha Whiteman
The University of Edinburgh
August 8th 2004 - October 8th 2004
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Diese Studie untersucht implizite und explizite Einstellungen zur Sexualität und Partnerschaft. Außerdem werden Vorlieben bei der Partnerwahl erfasst. Zu all diesen Aspekten bietet die Studie
Lars Penke
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
June 28th 2004 - August 28th 2004
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Kurzer online-Fragebogen zur Reaktion auf die Emotionen anderer Personen. Sie erhalten ausführlich Rückmeldung auf Ihre Antworten und können Ihre persönlichen Ergebnisse ansehen. Dauer: 10-15 min.
Josef Nerb & Martin Bruder
Universität Freiburg / Universität Cambridge
April 12th 2004 - June 12th 2004
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Short online-questionnaire concerning reactions to other people's emotions. You will receive extensive feedback on your answers and will be able to view your personal results.
Josef Nerb & Martin Bruder
Universität Freiburg / Universität Cambridge
April 12th 2004 - June 12th 2004
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The purpose of this survey is to compare the usefulness of two different measures of perfectionism, one which has been used with athletes (Frost-MPS) and
Debra Campbell
California State University, Fullerton
November 3rd 2003 - January 3rd 2004
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Sie können sich hier sowohl auf eine fiktive Stelle bewerben, wie auch einen Fragebogen zum Management-Potenzial ohne Bewerbungssituation ausfüllen. Durch einen Vergleich mit über 2000
Helge Thiemann
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
March 17th 2002 - January 1st 2003
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Mit individueller ErgebnisrĂĽckmeldung, falls gewĂĽnscht. Dauer: ca. 15 Minuten
Ralph Lengler
Universität Zürich
August 9th 2000 - August 9th 2001
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Piers Steel
University of Minnesota
January 1st 2000 - November 10th 2004
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